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[Closed] Help with a solution for small script

Hi all ,

I’m having a crack at maxscript to try and speed up a project, would really appreciate some direction. I’m no programmer but just getting an idea of how to tackle this problem.

I need to create a bunch of characters from a few similar elements, this was to help speed up the process.

So basically I am trying to create two buttons, these are navigation buttons that perform functions but stop at a point.
For example imagine 3 circles O O O with constant names. So say I click the > arrow, it moves to the next circle, hides it
Select $circle2

Then when I click > again it moves to $cirlce 3 but stops there. Accordingly clicking back < button brings the selection back to previous circle select $circle 2 and then $circle 1 when clicked again.

I am thinking using something with a counter that +1’s everytime the button clicks, but am not sure how to stop it at the 3rd circle while also performing an action?

For I =3 Do
If Selection=$Circle3 Then
Hide $Circle2
Hide $Circle1

Am I going about this the right way or what are some other solutions?
Also something that is frustrating the heck out of me is the Visual maxscript editor, I create it save it run the script but my window doesn’t come up! :banghead:
Any help appreciated.


14 Replies

For the first part that is probably how I would go about it…

Visual maxscript can be a little tricky. Most people stay away from it… though I do use it from time to time when I am creating a large interface and I want to experiment with how it will look/flow.

  1. Make sure you are “saving as” from the visual maxscript as a .ms or .mcr.

  2. And you will want to add a CreateDialog followed by the RolloutName at the end of the script.


rollout unnamedRollout “Untitled” width:162 height:300
button btn1 “Button” pos:[22,17] width:57 height:33
CreateDialog unnamedRollout – <– THIS IS WHAT YOU NEED TO ADD!

Never used visual max script before, i tend to just write it all myself.

This is how i would go about it. Make sure to check the objects exist in the scene. If true then carry on. I have it selecting each object, but you can have it doing anything you want.

 	try(destroydialog cirlce_mover)catch()
 	start_value = 1
 	-- A function to check if objects in scene exist
 	fn check_objects fn_check_objects_array =
 		local check_objects_array=fn_check_objects_array
 		true_false = undefined
 		for i = 1 to fn_check_objects_array.count do
 			if (getnodebyname fn_check_objects_array[i]) != undefined then(
 				  format "%	Does Exist
" fn_check_objects_array[i] -- prints circles that exist
 				  if fn_check_objects_array.count == i do true_false = true
 				 format "%	Does Not Exist
" fn_check_objects_array[i] -- prints circles that don't exist
 				 true_false = false)
 		return #(true_false, fn_check_objects_array)
 	rollout cirlce_mover "Circle Mover"
 		button b_forward ">" width:30 height:20 across:2
 		button b_back "<" width:30 height:20
 		on b_forward pressed do
 			fn_circles = check_objects(#("Circle001","Circle002","Circle003"))
 			if fn_circles[1] == true do
 				if start_value >= 3 then
 					start_value = 3
 					print "3 is the limit"
 					start_value += 1
 					print start_value
 				select (getnodebyname fn_circles[2][start_value])
 		on b_back pressed do
 			fn_circles = check_objects(#("Circle001","Circle002","Circle003"))
 			if fn_circles[1] == true do
 				if start_value <= 1 then
 					start_value = 1
 					print "1 is the lowest"
 					start_value -= 1
 					print start_value
 				select (getnodebyname fn_circles[2][start_value])
 	createdialog cirlce_mover 200 100

Thanks guys,

I figured it out, but not by way of function, so this is handy too as I can relate to its practicallity!

Much appreciated, yeah I am finding not many people liking the visual tool builder!


i tell you the truth. only developers of the visual mxs can potentially like it… but it’s not likely either.

It is just so shitty it takes longer to use it then to build it yourself.

Lol THAT bad! haha…love the comment about the developers…

Hmm may I be so bold as to ask one of you gus for an example rollout

With buttons alligned left centre and middle…

OH and while I’m making my christmas list how about a slider between 1 – 100 and a button that gives a random value to the slider as well…

 try(destroydialog test_rol) catch()
 rollout test_rol "" width:220
 	button left_bt "Left" width:60 align:#left across:3
 	button center_bt "Center" width:60 align:#center
 	button right_bt "Right" width:60 align:#right
 	slider sl range:[0,100,0] width:120 across:2
 	button random_bt "Random" width:60 align:#right offset:[-2,10] 
 	on random_bt pressed do sl.value = random 0 100
 createdialog test_rol


try(destroydialog test_rol) catch()
rollout test_rol "" width:220
	button left_bt "Left" width:60 align:#left
	button center_bt "Center" width:60 align:#center
	button right_bt "Right" width:60 align:#right
	slider sl range:[0,100,0] width:120 across:2
	button random_bt "Random" width:60 align:#right offset:[0,10] 
	on random_bt pressed do sl.value = random 0 100
createdialog test_rol

if you want to have your controls be perfectly aligned don’t trust to control’s default alignment.
always use align: and offset: arguments.
here is a sample why you shouldn’t trust
(the default button’s alignment is “center”)

 try(destroydialog test_rol) catch()
 rollout test_rol "" width:220
 	button center_bt1 "Center" width:60
 	button center_bt2 "Center" width:60 align:#center
 createdialog test_rol

personally i trust to only #left and #right alignment, and don’t trust to “center”

try(destroydialog test_rol) catch()
rollout test_rol "" width:100
	label center_bt1 "Center" width:60
	label center_bt2 "Center" width:60 align:#center offset:[0,-6]
createdialog test_rol

you can see that labels are not centered at all.

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