[Closed] Help with Wiring and Custom Attributes
I am working in max 8.
The object of the script is to:
wire the y_rotation of a “Master Rotation” object to a “Slave Rotation” object and then add an expression in to the wiring
which is attached to a custum attribute spinner,
which is a modifier on my object.
The spinner is essentially a multiplier, so I can animate rotation relative to the master.
without going in to the custom attributes part…the wiring expression looks something like this on the one object I made it work on.
Y_Rotation(–y rotation of the master control object–)*$‘far bg circle’.modifiers[“attribute Holder”].testAttrib.animationTrack/10
My big problem is how do I define( $‘far bg circle’)“Self” in the wiring expression without having to a bunch of crazy string parsing in the script which assigns it? Is there a simple “Self” variable. I kinda feel like a bonehead, it seems so simple. I’ve checked the maxscript reference and I can’t seem to find it.
Thanks in advance.