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[Closed] Help need GC() script Please Script THis!

fn MAXFileSize_Cruncher =


– MAX File Size GC Cruncher Pre-SAVE Script written by Mike Owen, 3D Technical Animator, Burrows Nvisage 2005

– Version 1.0

– This script fixes the Discreet MAX file size increasing problem during the #prefilesave callback flag

max file xref object – open xref object dialog

xro_hwnd = windows.getChildHWND 0 “XRef Objects” parent:#max – find xref object dialog

if xro_hwnd != undefined do windows.sendMessage xro_hwnd[1] 0x0010 0 0 – if found, send close message

max file xref scene – open xref sceen dialog

xrs_hwnd = windows.getChildHWND 0 “XRef Scenes” parent:#max – find xref scene dialog

if xrs_hwnd != undefined do windows.sendMessage xrs_hwnd[1] 0x0010 0 0 – if found, send close message

gc() – garbage collection


– stick this in a callback #prefilesave handle.
– Mike

big big thankx mike…

ill try it…
can i run it from a mcr script to put it in quad menu?

awsome Mike great work:D

bernieLomax: not shure about adding to a quad, but you can drag the text into a toolbar to get it as a button. quad would be nice though.

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