[Closed] Help Needed – Visual MaxScript – Rotate an object using slider control?
It’s been a really long time since I have been here or even played with Max for that matter. I am just now getting into Max 2010 and I’m trying to relearn some of the techniques by build simple objects.
I found a tutorial on another site on how to create a Lego Star Wars snowspeeder. After completing it, I noticed that I wasn’t happy with it. So using some old techniques and some new ones that I’m just now learning, I have started to create accurate lego blocks. I found the Lego Star Wars Snowspeeder Instructions online and have started to model the parts for it. One of the objects you make is a Radio type tower that has two pivot areas, one that spins 360 long the X axis and then the part that holds the dish that rotates on the y axis.
Here is what I need. Is there an easy way to create a slider that will rotate an object along it’s y axis? I only want it to rotate 90 degrees. I have figured out how to create the float control and activate it (or start it up). However, I’m not that knowledgeable about maxscript. Let’s say my object name that I want to rotate is called RockingPlate.
Sorry for the long post…
So can anyone help me?
This would easily be done using manipulatirs and wire paramters. No need for scripting!