[Closed] Help!!! Sturcture Definition Problem
Hi guys, im new here and any help anyone can give me will be very much appresiated!
So this is where i am so far!..
I have created a box name:vg01 and have also created a struct vgprog (r, e, i, obj).
vg01 = vgprog r:10 e:2 i:5 obj:$vg01
What i want to be able to do is select $vg01 and then from here gain access to the values within vg01 – That is within the struct vgprog.
I have tryed doing this:
select $vg01
a = $.name
I thought from here i could use a command like:
a.r to access the values within vg01.r, however this is not working, i think the problem is that a returns the value “vg01” –in a string literal.
Is there anyway i can do this?
Cheers guys.
huh? anyway…
struct test
a = 10,
b = 20,
c = 30
Theres no function that need variables of the struct so you dont need to instance it ( if i remember)
What you want sounds like a custom attribute instead though.
testCA = attributes testAttibs
parameters testParams
testA type:#float
custAttributes.add testCa $box01
$box01.testCa.testA = 20.0
something like that.
Thanks for that eek! i will take a look at custom attributes instead!
Im trying to set up a system using cellular automata, so i need to be able to loop through all the objects in the scene, access there test values and do some kind of evaluation with the returned values.
something like this:
select $box
boxarray = getcurrentselection
for i = 1 in boxarray do
a = $i.testCa.testA
… then use pass the value a on to another evaulation…
Am i on the right track?!
pretty much i think.
for i = 1 to array.count do
append testArray (i.testCa.testVal)
for i = 1 to testArray.count
do funky algorithm
you can store arrays in CA’s too, just not nested ones. Cellular autonomy is something im interested too!