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[Closed] Grow Selection with Splines

I know that you can grow selection with poly objects, but is it possible to do this with spline objects? I would like to grow the selection from the selected vertex, can’t find anything in the documentation

4 Replies

Somethig like this, but only for open splines:

	if selection.count == 1 do
		curO = selection[1]
		if classOf curO == line or classOf curO == splineShape do
			if subobjectlevel == 1 do
				numSpl = numSplines curO
				if numSpl != 0 do
					for i = 1 to numSpl do
						selKnotsArr = getKnotSelection curO i
						lastKnotIdx = numKnots curO i
						if isClosed curO i then
							if selKnotsArr.count != 0 do
								prevKnot = if selKnotsArr[1] != 1 then selKnotsArr[1] - 1 else 1
								nextKnot = if selKnotsArr[selKnotsArr.count] != lastKnotIdx then selKnotsArr[selKnotsArr.count] + 1 else lastKnotIdx
								setKnotSelection curO i #(prevKnot, nextKnot) keep:true

What don’t you know? Thank you

I’ll add some.

    	Lobj = selection[1]
    	if classOf Lobj == line or classOf Lobj == splineShape do
    		if subobjectlevel == 1 do
    			for i = 1 to numSplines Lobj do
    				NewVertArr = #()
    				selKnotsArr = getKnotSelection Lobj i
    				if isClosed Lobj i then
    					for a in selKnotsArr do
    						if a == 1 then
    							appendIfUnique NewVertArr a
    							appendIfUnique NewVertArr (a+1)
    							appendIfUnique NewVertArr (numKnots Lobj i)
    						)else if a == numKnots Lobj i then
    							appendIfUnique NewVertArr a
    							appendIfUnique NewVertArr (a-1)
    							appendIfUnique NewVertArr (1)
    							appendIfUnique NewVertArr a
    							appendIfUnique NewVertArr (a+1)
    							appendIfUnique NewVertArr (a-1)
    					for a in selKnotsArr do
    						appendIfUnique NewVertArr a
    						if a+1 <= numKnots Lobj i then (appendIfUnique NewVertArr (a+1))
    						if a-1 != 0 then (appendIfUnique NewVertArr (a-1))
    				setKnotSelection Lobj i NewVertArr keep:true

you don’t actually need these uniqueness checks
what about shrink function?

fn SplineGrowVertSelection shp =
	local splineCount = numSplines shp

	for i=1 to splineCount where (knotSelection = getKnotSelection shp i).count > 0 do
		local knotCount    = numKnots shp i
		local closedSpline = isClosed shp i
		local modifiedSelection = #{}
		if knotCount != knotSelection.count do
			if closedSpline then
				for k in knotSelection do
					if k > 1 then modifiedSelection[k-1] = true else modifiedSelection[knotCount] = true 
					if k + 1 <= knotCount then modifiedSelection[k+1] = true else modifiedSelection[1] = true		
				for k in knotSelection do
					if k > 1 do modifiedSelection[k-1] = true
					if k + 1 <= knotCount do modifiedSelection[k+1] = true		

			setKnotSelection shp i (join knotSelection (modifiedSelection as array))
