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[Closed] Groups to mesh

i would like to convert a group to one editable poly model. inside the group i have many objects that have editmesh,edit poly ,splines (with a modifier creating a model). a lot of times i have groups inside groups inside groups.

would it be possible to have a script where you select the main group and it would collapse all modifiers and than attach all objects together into one object?

8 Replies

You can do the with the “Collapse” tool in the utility tab AFAIK
It’s hidden under “More… ” by default i think

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the Collapse tool converts them into one object but its not using the ‘‘attach options’’ for materials,topicNumber=d30e134570

for example. if we have 4 objects with different multi/sub materials it doesnt convert them together and changes the material ID’s.

fn attachGroupMembers group = if isgrouphead group do
	setGroupOpen group off
	nodes = for node in (join #() group) where canconvertto node editable_poly collect node 
	converttopoly nodes
	for k = nodes.count to 2 by -1 do polyop.attach nodes[1] nodes[k] -- here can be fast attach method
	explodeGroup group

it has to work for open, closed, nested groups, and everything else (all geometry kind, make multi material, etc.)

selected the group but it didnt attach the objects.

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my function works exactly opposite: it doesn’t select group (because i don’t do it in purpose) and attaches nodes inside specified group.

there are three possible cases why it might not work for you (in most probable order):

you use my function wrong

you try to attach not attachable (helpers, cameras, lights, etc.)

i’ve missed something

here is the sample that works well:

fn attachGroupMembers group = if isgrouphead group do
	setGroupOpen group off
	nodes = for node in (join #() group) where canconvertto node editable_poly collect node 
	converttopoly nodes
	for k = nodes.count to 2 by -1 do polyop.attach nodes[1] nodes[k] -- here can be fast attach method
	explodeGroup group

delete objects

bb = for k=0 to 3 collect box pos:[k*40,0,0]
cc = for k=0 to 3 collect cylinder pos:[k*40,40,0]
ss = for k=0 to 3 collect sphere pos:[k*40,80,0]

a = group bb
b = group cc
c = group (join ss #(a,b))

	--- RUN IT ---
attachGroupMembers c	

if anything doesn’t work please post a sample.

Ah – i see – wasn’t in your original request though

this is what i think would be practical for 3ds max users. if we could attach objects inside the group by only selecting the group.

if you select the group it doesnt select objects inside the group. 3dsmax has Collapse which works good. no matter how many groups you have inside the group. if you select the main group and use Collapse it will create one object. but it doesnt create new material ID’s to create one multi/sub material for the new single object.

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i’ve posted a function. if you want a tool make a macroscript uses this function.