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[Closed] Group Pivot Point ?
Mar 07, 2007 6:32 pm
Im trying to make a script that imports 3ds files moves the pivot point to the center bottom, moves the object to 0,0,0 and saves the file
But for some reason that I dont know the pivot doesnt set correctly when I run the script, it works if I run just that line
Global Root
Global filelist
GLobal OpenSave
fn GetPath =
Root = getSavePath caption:"Select the Mesh Folder:" -- puts the path in a variable
OpenSave.btn_getPath.text = Root as string -- displays the path on the rollout
filelist = getFiles (Root + "\\*.3ds") -- gets the list of files
OpenSave.lbl_Info_NumFiles2.text = filelist.count as string -- updates the counter display
rollout OpenSave "--G-Tools-- Open.Center.Save v1.00" width:268 height:85
button btn_getPath "Folder" pos:[3,5] width:261 height:18 toolTip:"Select the Max File's Folder"
progressBar pb1 "ProgressBar" pos:[7,74] width:255 height:8
button btn_Go "Go" pos:[6,30] width:63 height:39
groupBox grp_info "Information" pos:[73,25] width:188 height:43
label lbl_Info_NumFiles "Number of files:" pos:[80,39] width:77 height:14
label lbl_Info_NumFiles2 "0" pos:[158,40] width:35 height:14
on btn_getPath pressed do
GetPath ()
on btn_Go pressed do
for i in 1 to filelist.count do
pb1.value = 100.*i /filelist.count
importFile filelist[i] #NoPrompt
delete cameras
delete lights
delete helpers
-- makes a group out of the objects
group objects name:"TempGroup"
-- moves the pivot to the bottom center
for obj in $TempGroup do obj.pivot =
[(obj.max.x+obj.min.x)/2, (obj.max.y+obj.min.y)/2, obj.min.z]
$TempGroup.pos = [0,0,0]
ungroup $TempGroup
max tool zoomextents
viewport.SetRenderLevel #smoothhighlights
--savemaxfile (filelist[i] + ".Max")
--resetMaxFile #noPrompt
Createdialog OpenSave
Cloud some one help me out.?
Guillermo Leal
3 Replies
Mar 07, 2007 6:32 pm
I think you need to use
for obj in $TempGroup.children do obj.pivot = …
Mar 07, 2007 6:32 pm
Also, objects have a .center property so you can use [,, obj.min.z] to get the objects center bottom.
Mar 07, 2007 6:32 pm
Thanks for yours suggestions.
Its now working correctly, it turns out I was moving the pivot when trying to move the object. Now I setup the pivot of the group and then move the object.
Thanks again.
Guillermo Leal