[Closed] Grid (Top) use maxscript how to write
viewport.setType #view_grid –sets the viewport to grid view
You might want to know these too:
activegrid = undefined –sets the active grid to the world grid.
activegrid = $Grid01 –sets the Grid Helper “Grid01” as the active grid.
Thanks Bobo
Use your way , Can obtain grid view
But Can not obtain Grid top or grid front…
How should I do ?
When you use the code above, it sets the viewport to Grid (Display Planes).
This means that the view respects the Display group of controls in the Grid Helper – it is set by default to XY Plane, so your view would be showing the equivalent to Grid TOP view.
Unfortunately, you cannot switch the Display option via MAXScrtipt, so the only chance you have is to manipulate the grid’s transformation matrix instead – you could rotate it by 90 degrees about its local Y or X axis to get the side views.