[Closed] Gradient Ramp Textures
Hello to all.
- I am new to MAXScript and am managing to do some things, but I came across a problem that I have not found solution.
- When I try to load a bitmap into a flag of a gradient ramp I get the following error message:
Gradient_Ramp:Gradient Ramp
– Error occurred in anonymous codeblock; filename: ; position: 172; line: 2
– Unknown property: “Flag__3__Texture” in undefined
– Error occurred in anonymous codeblock; filename: ; position: 329; line: 3
– No ““get”” function for undefined
I’m using MAXScript listener to capture the following steps.
meditMaterials[2].diffuseMap = Gradient_Ramp ()
meditMaterials[2][#Maps][#Diffuse_Color__Map__11____Gradient_Ramp].Flag__3__Texture = Bitmaptexture fileName:“C:\b\01.jpg”
meditMaterials[2][#Maps][#Diffuse_Color__Map__11____Gradient_Ramp][#Gradient_Ramp][#Gradient][#Flag__3][#Texture][#Texture__Map__12__01_jpg].alphaSource = 2
If anyone can help me I am very grateful.
You recived en error because “Flag__3__Texture” is read-only property of gradient ramp and
you can assigne map only manually but not with mxs.
I often wonder why they (AD) are not expose all props for most powerful procedural map in max