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[Closed] Grab viewport => video

does someone know how to make a script to grab the viewport in order to make a video ?

and if simply tiz possible or not …

19 Replies

you can try to set up a timer event and then grab the viewport with the gw.getViewPortDib() command and save it incremental, then you’ll get a list of bmp images which can be converted to an avi…

i just found the idea pretty useful to have a script that grabs the viewport, so i wrote a little one. it lets you set a time interval to grab the view (like every second or every 1/10ths), and the filename and filetype for saving, then just hit the grab button! i hope this will be useful for you…

thank U very much !!!

I’ll try this !!

very nice of U to have written the script, cos I’m not very good at scripting.

thanx a lot.

just added an option to the script to also grab the viewport on every change the user does to it, so the final video will be way smoother…

yes it works !!! :applause:
very nice

but, is it possible to grab the viewport when you have an animation ? I meant, instead of rendering it, is it possible to grab it in the viewport and make an avi or image sequence at 25i/s ?

I found a script but it doesn’t work …
can U tell me why please ?
thank you

so why don’t use the make preview function in max? i think it does exactly what you want. but its also possible with the script, just set the speed to 10 and turn on grab on each change and step through the animation frame by frame, could be a bit painful on longer animations though…

thanx again !!!

I didn’t know that ‘make preview existed’


thats really funny how that script evolved… if the guy would’ve known about Make Preview, you never would’ve whipped that up. thanks though, definitely useful!

hehe, yeah, thats true i found this pretty useful for analyzing your workflow. i started capturing my work yesterday just for fun, and when i watched later on, i just thought, man, what the heck i am doing there and found several things i could improve on my workflow…

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