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[Closed] Grab Viewport With Alpha

The GrabViewport script linked below is fantastic for game artists because it lets you take high res viewport screen grabs of assets with DX shaders applied. DX shaders don’t render, for those that don’t know.

The one thing that script is missing is the option to include an alpha channel, so when you bring it into Photoshop you can throw it on a custom background and make a presentation sheet.

Is this possible? Perhaps there is some viewport equivalent of a render buffer that can be tapped into?

Marmoset Toolbag includes alpha channels with its screen grabs, I’m just looking to do the same out of Max.

15 Replies

it’s possible. usually i share my solutions. but that’s… kinda a treasure…
so, dig and you get it. just know it’s possible.

Wouldn’t you access the framebuffer or Gbuffer or something, I’m guessing… and extract it from there somehow? I thought I read somewhere on this forum how to do that…

One hacky way to do it would be to have a script take the screen shot, then put a white self-illuminated material on everything in your scene, set the viewport background to black, save that as the alpha, then reset everything back the way it was.

Why not just put a pure green on the viewport background, grab that and key it in photoshop? Dunno, might be a silly solution

Thats a good idea too I like those kind of ideas. They are sorta hacky, but prob. just as affective, and alot easier to do if you don’t have the knowledge.

Have you looked at metaSL and QuickSilver? Or DirectX and QuickSilver? That should allow you to get realtime shaders that can render the same as the viewport representation. If you need DirectX Scene Shaders, that is a different story.


That’s exactly what I’ve been doing. Not silly at all, but I would like to either find or make a script that saves me the trouble.

Yep, I’m using DX shaders. Xoliul and 3PointShader. Those are the two big ones folks use. Shader FX if you’ve got the money to spend.

My attempt to do the grab viewport script with alpha channel.
Note that the script is not very fast( the creating of the alpha channel is slowing it down)

Credits to Borislav “Bobo” Petrov and Dave Wortley.

  -- Created: 		29-05-2011
  -- Last Updated:	29-05-2011
  -- Version:			1.0
  -- Author :  Kostadin Kotev / /
  -- Version:  3ds max 2009 (should work in older versions too!)
  -- Discription: 
  --	Grab the active viewport and include an alpha channel.
  --	IMPORTANT: The script is not very fast. :)
  macroscript miauuGrabViewport
  tooltip:"Grab Viewport"
  buttonText:"Grab Viewport"
  	local grab_viewpBMP
  	local defaultVbkgColor
  	local grab_alphaBMP
  	local tempBMP
  	local viewport_name
  	local mfn
  	local gct
  	local bmp_name
  --////	credits to Borislav "Bobo" Petrov (MaxScript reference)
  	--	get viewport name
  	viewport_name = viewport.GetType() as string
  	--	cut the string
  	viewport_name = substring viewport_name 6 (viewport_name.count-5)
  	if viewport_name == "camera" then --	if the remaining string is "camera"
  		gac = getActiveCamera() --	get the camera
  		viewport_name = --	get the name of the camera
  	--	get max file name
  	mfn = MaxFileName
  	if mfn == "" then --	if there is no name
  		mfn = "Untitled" --	use "Untitled"
  		mfn = getFileNameFile mfn --	use the file name without .MAX extension
  	--	get current frame time
  	gct = SliderTime as string 
  	--	build the output file name
  	bmp_name = "VPGRAB_"+ mfn +"_" +viewport_name + "_" + gct
  	--	Display file save dialog
  	bmp_name = getSaveFileName caption:"Save Viewport to:" filename:bmp_name \
  	if bmp_name != undefined then	--	if user has confirmed / entered a valid name
  		forcecompleteredraw dodisabled:true
  		--	grab the viewport
  		grab_viewpBMP = gw.getViewportDib()
  		--	make all visible objects white
  		for o in objects where not o.isHidden do
  			o.displayByLayer = false
  			o.showVertexColors = true
  		--	save the default viewport color
  			--	defaultVbkgColor = getVPortBGColor()		-- not worked in max2010
  		defaultVbkgColor = GetUIColor 41
  		--	set the viewport color to pure black
  			--	setVPortBGColor  ((color 0 0 0) as Point4)		--	not worked in max2010
  		SetUIColor 41 ((color 0 0 0) as Point4)
  		colorMan.repaintUI #repaintAll
  		--	grab the bitmap that will be used as alpha channel
  		grab_alphaBMP = gw.getViewportDib()
  			--	setVPortBGColor  defaultVbkgColor	--	not worked in max2010
  		SetUIColor 41 defaultVbkgColor
  		colorMan.repaintUI #repaintAll
  	--////	credits to DaveWortley.
  		--create new temporary bitmap
  		tempBMP = bitmap grab_viewpBMP.width grab_viewpBMP.height
  		for i = 1 to grab_viewpBMP.height do
  			AR_thepixels_A = Getpixels grab_viewpBMP [0,i] grab_viewpBMP.width
  			AR_thepixels_B = Getpixels grab_alphaBMP [0,i] grab_alphaBMP.width
  			for j = 1 to AR_thepixels_A.count do
  				alfaVal = 0.0
  				if AR_thepixels_B[j] == (color 0 0 0) do
  					swap AR_thepixels_A[j].a alfaVal
  			setpixels tempBMP [0,i] AR_thepixels_A
  		--close the original images so we can overwrite them
  		close grab_viewpBMP
  		close grab_alphaBMP	
  		tempBMP.filename = bmp_name	--	set output name to the one entered in the save file dialog
  		save tempBMP
  		Close tempBMP
  		grab_viewpBMP = undefined
  		grab_alphaBMP = undefined
  		tempBMP = undefined

ha – just stumbled over that thread …

as i’m writing a preview creation script myself right now, this “make all obj’s temporary white on black background and grab for alpha” idea might call up my efforts to implement alpha channel support again…

thanks for this idea …

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