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[Closed] GlobalIllumEnable property

Maybe someone can shed some light:
I have a script that will save certain render settings – create an AO materal from input settings – render the AO in a new browser screen and revert the settings of the render, Exposure control and GI. Except – I can not get GI to work…
I am using
rendersettings = mental_ray_renderer()
rendersettings.GlobalIllumEnable (but even with the “Enable” button is checked on it returns “False”)

also if it is off and I type in blaa blaa above = true and then assign via “Renderers.current = rendersettings – it will update FG just fine but not GI… it just always returning false.

Does anyone have any data on this? am I just using the wrong command to enable/disable GI?
Sorry I can’t post this part of the script – but it’s part of something I can’t post etc…
But any help would be much appreciated.Thanks for your time

1 Reply

apologies – I have gotten this question sorted out – thank you for everyone’s time