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[Closed] Getting the "next" ring/loop edge

Hey, i am back with another Maxscript issue im facing.

I am currently trying to build a series of functions to among other things get loop/ring edge “spans” between edge selections or specific edges.
The first step in such a function is reliably getting the next edge in the loop/ring from an edge.
I have explored a few methods underlined below:

Method 1:
Using the functions setRingshift/setLoopShift from the editablepoly interface,
and getting edge selection wont work for me for two reasons.
1: They do not have an equivalent function in edit_poly
( Editpoly has the RingSelect/LoopSelect functions.
But they both rely on ± edgesteps from each time you enter an editpoly,
which is a pain to get aroundTest it out ).
I could use PolytoolsSelect.GrowRing/Loop() ( Which grows in both directions ).
But then ill also have to also sort through the new edge selection for the edge i want to get
2: It seems horribly inefficient to set + use function to set + get selections to get an edge index, each time you want a new edge.
I ideally want to use a function that can do this without selecting.

Method 2:
Using conversion to get the 1 or 2 closest Ring/Loop edges ( In both directions )
Step 1:
GetFacesUsingEdge to get the ( 1 or 2 ) Connecting faces from the first edge.
Then GetEdgesUsingFace ( I had to do a custom function for editpoly for this )
To get the edges from those faces ( faceEdges )
Step 2:
GetVertsUsingEdge to get the verts from the first edge.
Then GetEdgesUsingVert to get the connecting edges from those verts(vertEdges)
Step 3:
To get the next 1 or 2 ring edges remove the vertEdges from the faceEdges.
To get the next 1 or 2 loop edges remove the faceEdges from the vertEdges.
The issue with this method is that it has a few problems with different topologies(Poles etc.). As well as i cant figure out the rule of how to get or figure out a certain direction(loop up/down ring left/right).
Is it the edge index order that determines the direction perhaps?

Method 3:
I have not really tested this but im putting it in here just for reference.
Setting the first edge as selection and doing a whole loop/ring selection.
Getting the new selection and getting the 1 closest -+ edge index to the first edge in the resulting BitArray.
This has the same second issue as method 1 as well probably not working in many(all) cases.
I am not sure how to sort out direction here either.

My question is how do i do this in a good way? Am i far off?
I know i probably need to do much more situation handling in the second method.
But how do i catch these situations?
I know border edges can be determined my if the edge has only 1 face connected.
But the others like poles etc. I have no idea.
I am probably also not catching other topology things that i havent thought of yet.

The Miauu scriptpack nr2 ( I think ) has a loop/ring step between that works for > 2 edges.
And IllusionCatalyst Ic.shape ( Selectspan ) Has a loop/ring step/spanning method that works for 2 edges.
But i cant figure out the inner workings of these functions from just looking at the code.
And for miauus pack i cant because it is encrypted.

I am also aware of PolytoolsSelect.StepLoop that selects the loop edges between two edges. that i could impliment as a set+set+get function for getting loop spans.
But this has the same issue as issue 2 in method 1. As well as not allowing for more control over the selection.
And also for some reason it does not have a similar StepRing function. And this is the most important functionality im after.

I really hope someone more experienced than me can answer.
I would be eternally grateful as iwe already spent almost a week on just this problem.

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