[Closed] GetFaceSelection convertion to interger, how?
I use the polyop.getFaceSelection $ to get a face.
I get a <face list> as an answer say #(10). problem is how on earth do I convert this into an integer?
I need to calculate the area of the face using polyop.getFaceArea $ INTEGER_VALUE
problem is I have to enter an integer value here, it won’t accept the face list, and I can’t convert the vert list into an integer.
Also the length of the face list is 595 (as many as there are faces), if the length was only 1 i could just get the first element.
A very strange problem
You dont get #() (array), you get #{} (bitArray)
May be you can do some better things with bitwise operators.
see maxscript ref for more about bitarrays and bit.
a = polyop.getFaceSelection $
b = a as array
polyop.getFaceArea $ b[i] –i can be any int number and b[i] is int
this works?
see my thread about biped and ctrls any idea?
Hi there, thanks for the answer, I managed to solve it after quite some while, I did it almost exactly like you said. I wrote
a=polyop.getFaceSelection $
b=a as array
and since the selection in this case always was only one size, then it was always at the first number.
Just a quick note that since MAXScript is expression based, you can do shortcuts like
sel = ((polyop.getFaceSelection $) as array)[1]
Yea, thanks Bobo, I know about this one, but ARG!, readability.
/((Andreas as array)[1] as lotsofwork)==true
man if I were you I would write this way:
fn getFaceSelectionArea =
local totalAr = 0
for i in (polyOp.getFaceSelection selection[1]) do
local faceArea = polyOp.getFaceArea selection[1] i
totalAr += faceArea
return totalAr
see ya