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[Closed] Get pblock from mod object SDK

So, I think get data and setting data from the base objects pblock is done here in the modifier code… It calls this automatically

void Cam_Rig::ModifyObject(TimeValue t, ModContext &mc, ObjectState * os, INode *node)

so since I’m working with the new physical Camera I want to get some data and change some.

to get targeted I’m using this. But I don’t know where to find its (ParamID id) for “targeted”

IParamBlock2* pblock_Target;
bool IsTargeted;
pblock_Target->GetValue(--?--, t, IsTargeted, FOREVER);

any thoughts?

7 Replies

do you know name of the parameter? find id by name

ok, cool. You got me on the right path

ParamID IndextoID (int i)=0
will give me the ParamID

there does not seem to be a get ParamID from name. unless I have missed it. I did see

SetValueByName but this will not take a bool. But thats ok I get get the index.

Thanks this helps

you can get paramblock value by index.

Is this the proper way to get pblocks from the base object of my modifier?

void Cam_Rig::ModifyObject(TimeValue t, ModContext &mc, ObjectState * os, INode *node) {	
	IParamBlock2* pblock_Target;
	ParamID Film_Width_ID;
	Film_Width_ID = pblock_Target->IndextoID(6);
	float Film_Width = 24;
	pblock_Target->SetValue(Film_Width_ID, t, Film_Width);

not crashing but throwing debug messages saying…
pblock_Target is being used but not initialized

am I using this right?

i’m a little confused. if it’s your modifier you have to define its param block with all parameters and their descriptions including ParamID

Sorry Denis, I was not making myself clear. This is for a Camera Modifier.
I need to get access the the pblocks of my base object (IPhysicalCamera) that my modifier is on.
3 things I not sure of.

[li]There looks to be no BOOL option in SetValue() or SetValue() how do I set this?[/li][li]Am I calling this in the right place? ModifyObject() or is there a better place in the modifier to access my base object?[/li][li]Am I using the above code right? It compiles fine but gives me a debug message “pblock_Target is being used but not initialized”[/li][/ol]

Any info would be great.

Hi, Si. Did you manage to solve it?
How do we set checkbox bool values in ParamBlock2?