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[Closed] Get edgeselection

How to get the EdgeSelection of a polyselect modifier with maxscript?
getedgeselection and polyop.getedgeselection don´t work.

3 Replies

yeah it’s now an EditablePoly in the pipeline (class of PolyMeshObject as opposed to Editable_Poly) , so its


[left]<bitArray><EditablePoly>.GetSelection <enum>selectionLevel
[left]selectionLevel enums: {#Object|#Vertex|#Edge|#Face|#CurrentLevel}
[left]Returns the selection from the specified sub-object level as bitarray

$.GetSelection #Edge

should do it

It looks like $.GetSelection #Edge has the same effect as polyop.getedgeselection $.baseobject, so it doesn´t get the selection of an edit poly or poly select modifier at the top of the stack, but the selection of the editable poly at the bottom of the stack.
Is there really no way to get the edgeselection of a polyselect modifier at the top of the stack?

yep my bad, that’s only valid for $.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].GetSelection #Edge