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[Closed] Geometrical calculations : points, lines, planes : intersections, distances, angles
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Nov 13, 2014 2:08 pm
I apparently annoyed the wrong people on stackoverflow so perhaps i’ll get more joy here. If I have a plane in the YZ plane and want to project it onto a sphere, what equation do I use for the X axis?
Nov 13, 2014 2:08 pm
one more modification
fn rotatePointAroundCenter center dir radius steps:8 debug:false = (
local tm = (matrixFromNormal dir)
local p = center+(tm.row1*radius)
local div = 360/steps
local points = for i = 0 to (360 - div) by div collect (
local q = quat i (normalize dir)
(((p - center ) * q) + center)
if debug do for p in points do point pos:p dir:dir wirecolor:green
rotatePointAroundCenter $Box011.pos $Box011.dir 20 debug:true
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