[Closed] Geometrical calculations : points, lines, planes : intersections, distances, angles
I am trying to collect the most usual functions for the geometrical calculations :
Intersection point, projection, distance, angle, …
Of course there are many Web sites about this, but I do not seek the mathematical formulas but functions ‘ready-to-use’ in maxscript.
I start by giving the formulas which I know already.
If you know other formulas do not hesitate to add them.
Let’s say that you have 4 points:
With these points you can define a vector, a line, a plane.
Vector Normalization : length vector = 1.0
normalize vAB
see also : Eric W. Weisstein. From MathWorld–A Wolfram Web Resource.
Cross Product :
cross vAB vAC
see also : Eric W. Weisstein. From MathWorld–A Wolfram Web Resource.
Dot Product :
dot vAB vAC
dot (normalize vAB) (normalize vAC)
see also : Eric W. Weisstein. From MathWorld–A Wolfram Web Resource.
A line can be defined :
- by 2 points
- or by 1 point and 1 vector
Middle Point M of AB:
fn middlePoint pA pB = ((pA+pB)/2.0)
Point along AB : the point at 25% between A and B:
fn alongPoint pA pB prop = (pA+((pB-pA)*prop))
A plane can be defined :
- by 3 points
- or by 1 point and 2 vectors
- or by 1 point and 1 vector (the normal vector)
Normal Vector : the vector perpendicular to the plane:
normalVector=normalize (cross vAB vAC)
see also : Eric W. Weisstein. From MathWorld–A Wolfram Web Resource.
line and point:
Point-Line Projection : find the point on the line AB which is the projection of the point C:
fn pointLineProj pA pB pC = (
local vAB=pB-pA
local vAC=pC-pA
local d=dot (normalize vAB) (normalize vAC)
(pA+(vAB*(d*(length vAC/length vAB))))
Point-Line Distance : the distance between the line AB and the point C:
fn pointLineDist2 pA pB pC = (
local vAB=pB-pA
local vAC=pC-pA
(length (cross vAB vAC))/(length vAB)
d=distance pC (pointLineProj pA pB pC)
see also : Eric W. Weisstein. From MathWorld–A Wolfram Web Resource.
Point-Line Inclusion : is this point on the line ?
fn isPointLine pA pB pC tol = (
local vAB=pB-pA
local vAC=pC-pA
local d=1.0-abs(dot (normalize vAB) (normalize vAC))
if d<=tol then true else false
or Point-Line Distance <= tolerance distance
(to be continued)
line and line:
Line-Line Intersection : intersection of two lines AB and CD:
fn lineLineIntersect pA pB pC pD = (
local a=pB-pA
local b=pD-pC
local c=pC-pA
local cross1 = cross a b
local cross2 = cross c b
pA + ( a*( (dot cross2 cross1)/((length cross1)^2) ) )
or by using vectors:
fn lineLineIntersect pA a pB b = (
local c=pB-pA
local cross1 = cross a b
local cross2 = cross c b
pA + ( a*( (dot cross2 cross1)/((length cross1)^2) ) )
see also : Eric W. Weisstein. From MathWorld–A Wolfram Web Resource.
Line-Line Distance : distance between two skew lines
fn lineLineDist pA a pB b = (
local c=pB-pA
local crossAB=cross a b
abs (dot c crossAB) / (length crossAB)
see also : Eric W. Weisstein. From MathWorld–A Wolfram Web Resource.
Line-Line // Distance : distance between two parallel lines
use “Point-Line Distance” : pA-pB is the first line and pC is a point of the second line
Line-Line Angle : angle between two lines:
fn getVectorsAngle vAB vCD = (
acos (dot (normalize vAB) (normalize vCD))
fn lineLineAngle pA pB pC pD = (
local vAB=pB-pA
local vCD=pD-pC
local angle=acos (dot (normalize vAB) (normalize vCD))
if angle<90.0 then angle else (180.0-angle)
see also : Eric W. Weisstein. From MathWorld–A Wolfram Web Resource.
plane and point:
Point-Plane Projection : find the point on the plane ABC which is the projection of the point D
fn pointPlaneProj pA pB pC pD = (
local nABC=normalize (cross (pB-pA) (pC-pA))
pD+((dot (pA-pD) nABC)*nABC)
Point-Plane Distance : find the distance between a plane and a point
fn pointPlaneDist pA pB pC pD = (
local nABC=normalize (cross (pB-pA) (pC-pA))
length ((dot (pA-pD) nABC)*nABC)
see also : Eric W. Weisstein. From MathWorld–A Wolfram Web Resource.
plane and line:
Line-Plane Intersection : intersection between a line and a plane
fn planeLineIntersect planePoint planeNormal linePoint lineVector = (
local lineVector=normalize lineVector
local d1=dot (planePoint-linePoint) planeNormal
local d2=dot lineVector planeNormal
if abs(d2)<.0000000754 then ( if abs(d1)>.0000000754 then 0 else -1 )
else ( linePoint + ( (d1/d2)*lineVector ) )
This script is based on an original script of Joshua Newman.
return 0 for parrallel (no intersections) results
and -1 for co-incident (infinate) results
see also : Eric W. Weisstein. From MathWorld–A Wolfram Web Resource.
Line-Plane Distance : distance between a plane and a line //
use “Point-Plane Distance” : where ‘point’ is a point of the line
Vector perpendicular to a line into a Plane : the perpendicular of AB into the plane ABC
vectorPerp=cross vectorAB (cross vectorAB vectorAC)
-- or
vectorPerp=cross (cross vectorAB vectorAC) vectorAB
see also : Eric W. Weisstein. From MathWorld–A Wolfram Web Resource.
Thanks for the aknowelgement PP.
Still can’t get around using the tolerence then eh?
Great resource BTW, keep up the good work!
Thanks guys
jman: The tolerance seems to work for me, but I use rather the function in cases where the line is not parallel to the plan. Can you give an example where the tolerance is an issue?
Well, the continuation:
plane and plane:
Plane-Plane Intersection : find the line which is the intersection of 2 planes
p1 : a point of the plane 1
n1 : the normal of the plane 1
fn planePlaneIntersect p1 n1 p2 n2 = (
-- n1, n2 are normalized
local lineVector = cross n1 n2
local proj1=(dot n1 p1)*n1
local proj2=(dot n2 p2)*n2
local perp1=cross n1 (normalize lineVector)
local perp2=cross n2 (normalize lineVector)
local cr = cross (proj2-proj1) perp2
local intersectionPoint = proj1 + (perp1*( (dot cr lineVector) / ((length lineVector)^2)) )
ray intersectionPoint lineVector
I think that it is not the easiest solution. If you know a better means…
see also : Eric W. Weisstein. From MathWorld–A Wolfram Web Resource.
Plane perpendicular to a Plane and a Line : find the plane which is perpendicular to the plane n and to the line AB
It’s the plane ABC where C=A+n
see also : Eric W. Weisstein. From MathWorld–A Wolfram Web Resource.
Plane-Plane Angle : find the angle between two planes n1 and n2 (normals)
fn getVectorsAngle n1 n2 = ( acos (dot (normalize n1) (normalize n2)) )
Here is an improvment of the function for calculating the intersection of 2 planes:
pA, nA : first plane, where p is a point and n is the normal of the plane
pB, nB : the second plane
fn PlanePlaneIntersection pA nA pB nB =
dir= cross nA nB
perp= cross nA dir
p= pA + (dot (pB-pA) nB) * perp / (dot perp nB)
ray p (normalize dir)
This is not checked in the code but if dir=[0,0,0] then the Planes are parallel…