[Closed] Gear-script
I was wondering if possibly someone would be able to ‘fix’ this script to work in max 2013.
The script will load, but it gives me errors when attempting to create.
I would appreciate your help with this.
Thank you (merci)
That was a Swami script back in Max 3. I think that Swami is travelling the world these days and not doing anything with 3D.
Is this of any help?
Maybe not super ethical but you can decrypt the script here: http://msedecrypt.org/
Patan77, you should not give such hints… for commercial script programmers this is a killing. Would you mind deleting the link, please?
This scripts already decrypted. I found in Internet
work in max 2008 in 2012 error
– – v1.02 (06.22.02):
– – Disabled softlock.
– – Fixed a couple minor bugs.
– – Encrypted!
– – v1.00 (12.19.01):
– – 1st official release.
I think if use v1 not crypted this not illegal