[Closed] Float scrip through Maxscript
I’m trying to write a maxscript, which assigns float script controller to, let’s say, objects X rotation. Now, I want to create two variables, with tracks (of other object’s rotation) added for that float script. However I can’t find out how to do that via maxscript. I’ve tried .addConstant, but if I point for the track itself it automatically gets evaluated and constant value is assigned (well no wonder it is called .addConstant ) and if I try to point directly at track’s controller, I get error in my expression (no “”+”” function for controller bezier float). Now I can’t find a way to add variable with track assigned.
.addTarget .addNode .addObject, they are all out lined in the help with even a full working script example that will do what you are looking for.
you´re pointing at a controller and using a math operator…use its value instead e.g <controller(bezier_float)>.value