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[Closed] Flash 3d Viewer (using maxscript rendering)

First of all : many thanks for this great plugin !

I’d like to share my experience regarding the problem of using the flash viewer on a web page.
I’ve spent a couple of hours trying to figure out what was wrong since it perfectly worked locally but couldn’t load the data file when installed on a web page.

I don’t know if I should agree with the recent opinion expressed by Steve Jobs on Adobe but…

The solution was… to change the file extension !!
Hence, my data file named test.f3dv could be loaded if renamed as test.swf

I don’t know if this is a flash “feature” or more probably a bug but it took me some time to solve.

And sorry for my english

Hi! I recently discovered your project, and I must say that according what you show on your portfolio, it seems pretty amazing. The links you provide in the first post are broken =(, is there any chance you could reupload them? Or send me an email, pm, or whatever?

Thank you very much!

anywhere that we can still get this script? – I liked it

I’ve uploaded the latest version of the viewer and exporter again:

Flash 3D Viewer 1.2
Installer, .exe, 375KB
Source, .rar, 6,58MB

thank you, Pjanssen, for updating links to your tool
i find it quite useful, but the bug that makes it usable only in the folder it was originally created still exists. You mentioned workaround using flash to recompile viewer. Aren’t there any other ways yet?

Hi there,

maybe it´s just me but I can´t load the f3dv-File through the swf-viewer, no matter what I try. It seems that the original file-path is somehow encoded to the swf-Viewer, because if I open the file from the path where Flash3dViewer saved the swf- and f3dv-Files to, there is no problem at all.
But as soon as I move the files to another folder and start the swf-viewer from there, the screen in Firefox just stays blank. Even calling the f3dv-file like Pjanssen suggested, makes no difference (src=“f3dv.swf?file=thef3dvfile.f3dv”).

Any help would be great! Thanks in advance!

P.S.: Please excuse my poor english

i took a look at the Minas Tirith project and i remember the geometry shown in the first post here from some movie… dont recall the name but had John Noble in the role of the king…
well my point being: do you have a version of the website in english if there is still one up?

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