Ive trying to use your script and its funcioning partially.
Are there any possibilities to generate pure swf file instad of swf+f3dv. It seems that Im not able to run the swf with f3dv on some servers and its sometimes very dificult.
Now Im using v 1.2 for rendering or pure max for rendering, than renaming rendered frames to v1.1 compiler rules and everything seems to be ok(swf is runnng localy and also on other server).But on some servers swf is not able to load f3dv.
Any suggestions?
Thanx for super script
I have indeed heard about these kind of problems before. I can’t say what is causing it exactly at this point.
I will have to look into it if I ever get to rewrite the whole thing. But I’m not at all sure when that would be…
Hi ppl! well i’m so tired…! but finally I found it. In page 8 some guy got a trouble where the issue was an error saying IO Image Error, and it happend like the script couldnt´make the image or render. Well actually i found why, and this is very helpful cuz i spent like 5 hours trying to fix it, even i installed, re-installed max, and intalled in another computer, it was a really mess, the thing is VERY simple, you SHOULD put the temp directory equal as the directory where you are creating the output file.
It could sound very silly but it took me like 5 hours just to discover this haha. Is that simple, save everything in the same directory and you got it. I was driving me crazy! cuz i have this final project for this monday and my professor ask us to do exactly what this script does. Finally I got it thanks SO MUCH! really appreciated!
I was looking for something like this 2 days now . I wanted to make presentation in such a way for some models . This script is really awesome . Man you rock thank you very very much Pjanssen . I appreciate your work .
Really like it Janssen, thanks for sharing and hopfully you get time to iron out a few items & take it further, possible could make you some money I would be happy to pay for a more final version.
I would really like to use this script, but every time I tryto install (have tried with 3DSMax 8, and now 3DSMax 9)
I get this error: –Unknown property: “setTitle” in undefined
Is it because I’m using XP 64 bit?
Apparently the macroscript that starts the tool isn’t initialised by the time the ‘create menu item’ script is run. What you can do is go into the stdscripts directory and remove the menu script.
After that you’ll have to assign the macroscript to a button or menu item manually to run it.
I really appreciate your help with this, Pier.
What I did was go into
C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\stdplugs\stdscripts
and rename f3dvExporterMenu.ms to something else.
Then I went to the main menu > customize > menus tab.
I can see that there is a menu group (lower left pane) called Flash 3D viewer, but I don’t see anything related to Flash 3D viewer in the Action pane.
Does this mean the script did not install properly?
If you only rename the script it will still be executed when max starts. You’ll have to remove it completely from the stdscripts directory.
I can’t remember exactly where the macroscript puts it’s entry, but if the script itself initialised properly, the entry should be somewhere in the list. I think it’s in a category like f3dv.
I thought I should report back my findings in case they can be of some help.
I tried deleting f3dvExporterMenu in program files, but I still didn’t see any f3dv category or actions items, so then I did a system-wide search for f3dvExporterMenu. I also found it in the C:\Program Files (x86)\stdplugs\stdscripts folder (a feature of XP64 windows). I was unsure if this is part of your script install or a remnant from my Max8 attempt. Or possibly even just a failure to pick the correct folder the first time I installed?
I then deleted all the script files from the program files (x86) folder. I re-installed the script, without the max8 fix or the menu item option. I did a fresh search for f3dvExporterMenu, and it was clean.
When I ran 3DSMax and chose customize > menus, I didn’t see any f3dv category or action item.
When I have the opportunity I may try installing on a different 32-bit windows environment to see if that will work.