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[Closed] Finished Beta Script: Custom Attribute generator for rigging


I have created a script for anyone out there who is interested. It lets you choose controller tracks from any number of objects then generates a custom attribute within a new PEN_Attribute_holder02 modifier (so this will need to be installed on your machine) on your chosen controller object.

This basically saves loads of time copying and pasting the tracks individually especially when you have over one hundred tracks on your facial rig!

To use, run the script and then follow this proceedure:

Create a few objects like a box, a sphere and a cone, freeze the transforms if you like and make sure they are positioned and rotated randomly (after you zero-out)

Create a circle

Click on the node button and choose the circle

Click on the ‘add’ button under the ‘controlled objects’ menu

Now click on each of the other objects one-by-one to select them and then right click to complete the selection process

Now all the objects should be in the objects list

You should now be able to simply double click on the tracks you wish to instance over to the control object which will select them (or highlight them in the list then press the select button)

Finally press the ‘CreateControllerObject’ button and hopefully this will create custom attribute within a new PEN_attribute_holder02 modifier on the circle.

So when you press the ‘Reset All’ button in the PEN modifier the controlled objects should pop back into the positions and rotations they where in before you froze the transforms or should end up at 0,0,0 in world space with 0,0,0 rotation values.

I thought this should speed up the process for facial rigging quite a bit but also I have used it for my body rig too. This now allows me to go back to the skin pose easily which I set at frame# -1. plus obviously I can store poses for my body using the PEN attribute holder mod which enables me to work from a pose-to-pose stand point when needed.

Hope this helps some of you. If you see this thread PEN hopefully you will have recieved an email from me that I sent to the address on your website about five minutes ago.

