[Closed] Finding shared edge in uvw unwrap?
I have 2 faces i need to find the shared edges(the ones which show up as blue in the uvw unwrap dialog) in the uvw editor. Is there any way to find the shared uvw edges(not the edge of the mesh as this seems to be difrent) of the 2 faces?
I have an idea, which seems a little dodgey…
-Get 2 faces
-select the shared mesh edge
-convert to unwrap to find the 2 uvw edjes on current selection
-select faces and get array of edges
-compare faces array and find the shared edges
Does that sound like it would work?
ok so far was having good luck, now not shure if this is a bug again or something im doing wrong…
Ok im trying to select an edge
myEdgeShared = 7
myObj.modifiers[#unwrap_uvw].unwrap5.setSelectedGeomEdges #{}
myObj.modifiers[#unwrap_uvw].unwrap5.setSelectedGeomEdges #{myEdgeShared}
mySharedUVEdge = (myObj.modifiers[#unwrap_uvw].unwrap2.getselectedEdges()) as array
no basically what SHOULD happen, it clears selection, selects edge 7.
And final line should get the shared UV edge.
Now the problem is occuring between the last 2 lines. It selected the edge in the viewport, but it
basic output goes something like this
line 1, myshared edge = 7
line 2 and 3, OK
line 4 #(21, 22, 23, 24)
This should only show the 2 shared edges.
Ive also noticed if i then go back to facemode in unwrap uvw then back to edge mode, all the edges in the array #(21, 22, 23, 24) are selected.
Any ideas why this is?
I can’t test this because I have not max8 but the command unwrap5.setSelectedGeomEdges seems to select the geometry edges and not the uvw edges as you would like.
I think you did not define the right relationship between geom edges and map edges.