it was a bug in my code… yours is right. i fixed it. thanks!
sqrt(2) is better to replace with predefined constant for better performance
I have to use this in your code
bbox =
struct bbox
FLT_MAX = 3.40282e+038,
bmin = FLT_MAX * [1,1,1],
bmax = -FLT_MAX * [1,1,1],
fn size = (bmax - bmin)
Otherwise the FLT_MAX is undefined.
Thank you one more time.
global MapBoxOps
struct MapBoxStruct
FLT_MAX = 3.40282e+038,
SQRT2 = sqrt 2,
fn getSegDistSq p a b =
x = a.x
y = a.y
dx = b.x - x
dy = b.y - y
if (dx != 0 or dy != 0) do
t = ((p.x - x) * dx + (p.y - y) * dy) / (dx * dx + dy * dy)
if (t > 1) then
x = b.x
y = b.y
else if (t > 0) do
x += dx * t
y += dy * t
dx = p.x - x
dy = p.y - y
dx * dx + dy * dy
fn pointToPolygonDist point polygon =
inside = false
minDistSq = FLT_MAX
for ring in polygon do
for i = 1 to ring.count-1 do
a = ring[i]
b = ring[i+1]
if ((a.y > point.y) != (b.y > point.y) and (point.x < (b.x - a.x) * (point.y - a.y) / (b.y - a.y) + a.x)) do inside = not inside
minDistSq = amin minDistSq (getSegDistSq point a b)
(sqrt minDistSq) * (if inside then 1 else -1)
fn makeBBox points =
b = box3()
for p in points do expandToInclude b p
fn makeCell center h polygon =
d = pointToPolygonDist center polygon
maxdist = d + h * SQRT2
datapair center:center data:[d,h,maxdist]
fn getCentroidCell polygon =
area = 0
c = [0,0,0]
ring = polygon[1]
for i = 1 to ring.count-1 do
a = ring[i]
b = ring[i+1]
f = a.x * b.y - b.x * a.y
c.x += (a.x + b.x) * f
c.y += (a.y + b.y) * f
area += f * 3
center = if area == 0 then ring[1] else c/area
makeCell center 0 polygon
fn cellSorter c1 c2 = if < then -1 else if > then 1 else 0,
fn polyLabel polygon precision:1 debug:false =
-- find the bounding box of the outer ring
outer_ring = polygon[1]
bb = makeBBox outer_ring
size = bb.max - bb.min
cellSize = amin size.x size.y
if (cellSize == 0) do return bb.min
h = cellSize/2.0
-- a priority queue of cells in order of their "potential" (max distance to polygon)
-- using cellSorter
-- cover polygon with initial cells
cells = #()
for x = bb.min.x to bb.max.x by cellSize do
for y = bb.min.y to bb.max.y by cellSize do
append cells (makeCell [x + h, y + h, 0] h polygon)
-- take centroid as the first best guess
bestCell = getCentroidCell polygon
-- second guess: bounding box centroid
bboxCell = makeCell (bb.min + size/2.0) 0 polygon
if ( > do
bestCell = bboxCell
numProbes = cells.count
t0 = timestamp()
h0 = heapfree
qsort cells cellSorter
while cells.count != 0 do
-- pick the most promising cell from the queue
currCell = cells[cells.count]
cells.count = cells.count - 1
-- update the best cell if we found a better one
if ( > do
bestCell = currCell
if (debug) do format "found best % after % probes... precision:%\n" numProbes precision
-- do not drill down further if there's no chance of a better solution
if ( - > precision) do
-- split the cell into four cells
h =
append cells (makeCell [ - h, - h, 0] h polygon)
append cells (makeCell [ + h, - h, 0] h polygon)
append cells (makeCell [ - h, + h, 0] h polygon)
append cells (makeCell [ + h, + h, 0] h polygon)
numProbes += 4
qsort cells cellSorter -- !!! only here.
if (debug) do
format "num probes: %\n" numProbes
format "best distance: %\n"
format "precision:% time:% heap:%\n" precision (timestamp() - t0) (h0 - heapfree)
MapBoxOps = MapBoxStruct()
here is some optimization … we should do qsort only if refine cells
also I “close” ring points (set last point as the same as first)
Thank you.
Also, we can exit the while loop when the - < precision
, otherwise the loop will continue with the rest of the cells.
also I removed Cell and BBox scructs, and replaced them with built-in datapair and box3. It saves memory
Do you mean that this(fromt he original js code)
// do not drill down further if there's no chance of a better solution
if (cell.max - bestCell.d <= precision) continue;
means that the while loop is not terminated when this line is true?
I thought that do not drill down further if there's no chance of a better solution
means that the while loop has to be stopped to avoid splitting the cells and continuing with the calculations
continue means continue the while loop… but “continue” slows down MXS code and I changed it to:
if ( - > precision) do < refine cells > ...
In this case why this check is performed in the while loop?
If this is true the while loop stops?
if (cell.max - bestCell.d >= precision) continue;
originally was:
if d < precision continue loop without refine, if d > do refine
i changed to:
if d > precision do refine, if not skip refine and continue while
I do the same but don’t use continue because it’s slow in MXS
the comments should be changed to:
drill down if there’s a chance of a better solution
Yes, in your code. I was asked about the js code where I can’t see when the while loop stops(my js skills are exactly 0). So, I thought that that line stops the loop. Because of this my version of the code works faster than yours – it stops the while loop the first time when the (cell.max - bestCell.d <= precision)
is true. Now I have to fix it.
By the way, you are using expandToInclude
which is
NEW in 3ds Max 2022:: Expands the Box3 value to include the argument value.
contains <Box3> <Point3>
Returns true if the Point3 value is within the bounds of the Box3 volume.
empty <Box3>
Resets the Box3 value to an “empty” state with meaningless min and max values.
enlargeBy <Box3> <float>
Enlarges the Box3. A Point3 is created from the float f as Point3(f,f,f) and added to min and subtracted from max. If the box is 'empty', the Box3 is centered at (0,0,0) and then enlarged.
expandToInclude <Box3> (<Box3> | <point3> | <point3 array>) transform:<matrix3>
Enlarges the Box3 to include the specified argument value. The transform argument only applies if the value passed is a point3 array, and is applied to the elements of the array.