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[Closed] Find material by bitmap name

im not sure if you’ve pasted it wrong, but i can see that you defined your funcion as “scanslots” with an “s”, but you called it inside “Scanslot” recursively without an “s”… that might be the cause of problem.

Hello Galagast

yes i made a wrong paste. i put a good here.
I don’t understand why it doesn’t work. its your code i just change the name. I test your code alone and it work perfectly.
That’s a bit weird. :surprised

 fn scanslots mat =
 -- Search in Blend Material 
 			if matclassid == "#(592, 0)" do
 				Global BlendSubMatCount = try(getnumsubmtls mat) catch(0)
 				if BlendSubMatCount != 0 do
 					for i in 1 to BlendSubMatCount do
 						  global BlendSubMat = getsubmtl mat i
 						  if BlendSubMat != undefined do
 							--print (getsubmtl mat i)
 							   scanslots BlendSubMat
 						   )--end if
 					)--end for
 				 )--end if
 			)--end if
 )--end fn scanslots

Thanks for your help galagast

OH NOOOOO !!! :surprised :surprised :surprised

I find the way.
In fact, i made a big function with a lot of “if” and in each “if” i recall the “scanslots” function. It seem that a function can only have one recalling to make it recursively.

This is my function:

fn scanslots mat =
			global matclassid = (mat.classid as string)
			-- Search in Standard Material
			if matclassid == "#(2, 0)" do
				global MatSubMaps = getnumsubtexmaps mat
				global SimilarMaps = for i = 1 to Matsubmaps where mat.maps[i] != undefined and pathdisp.text == mat.maps[i].filename do
										append CorrespMats (mat as string)
									)--end for
			)--end if
			-- Search in Raytrace Material 
			if matclassid == "#(655953908, 849023086)" do
				global RayMatSubMaps = getnumsubtexmaps mat
				global RaySimilarMaps = for i = 1 to RayMatSubMaps where mat.maps[i] != undefined and (mat.maps[i].classid as string) == "#(576, 0)" and pathdisp.text == mat.maps[i].filename do
											append CorrespMats (mat as string)
										)--end for
			)--end if

			-- Search in Blend Material 
			if matclassid == "#(592, 0)" do
				Global BlendSubMatCount = try(getnumsubmtls mat) catch(0)
				if BlendSubMatCount != 0 do
					for i in 1 to BlendSubMatCount do
						  global BlendSubMat = getsubmtl mat i
						  if BlendSubMat != undefined do
							   --print (getsubmtl mat i)
							   scanslots BlendSubMat
						   )--end if
					)--end for
				 )--end if
			)--end if

			-- Search in MultiSub Material 
			if matclassid == "#(512, 0)" do
				Global MultiSubMatCount = try(getnumsubmtls mat) catch(0)
				if MultiSubMatCount != 0 do
					for i in 1 to MultiSubMatCount do
						  global MultiSubMat = getsubmtl mat i
						  if MultiSubMat != undefined do
							   --print (getsubmtl mat i)
							   scanslots MultiSubMat
						   )--end if
					)--end for
				 )--end if
			)--end if
		)--end fn

If i delete one of the two “scanslots” recall the function works. If i let the two, it makes me an error.
This is a function to scan all slot in a material and if the material is a multimat it scan the slot to find a standard or a raytrace mat. If it find a multimat or a blendmat in the slot, it recall the function to rescan all the slot.
if the user put 50 submultimats the function is able to find it.
But if a can’t put two or more recalling of the function it this one, its a problem for me. Because if in a slot of a multimat, there is a blend mat, the function don’t see it because it search only a multimat.

I know it for after

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