[Closed] Find and replace a string question?
Hi,does anyboy know about this question,I want to find some special string and replace them via maxscript,below is example:
A txt file include lines below:
…other strings…
…other strings…
when I reading a txt file include many lines,the line01 is what I want to find(“I_like_3dsmax”),but the line02 has the same part (“I_like_3dsmax”),if I use findsting function:
--while reading txt not end loop
--aa=readline some txt file (aa maybe is "I_like_3dsmax" or "I_like_3dsmax_of_course")
if findstring aa "I_like_3dsmax" !=undefined then substituteString aa "3dsmax" "photoshop"
the result will be:
what I want avoid is “I_like_3dsmax_of_course” may still not change,below is correct:
so how to fix it?
For this very specific situation, where you want to replace a complete quoted string, you could do:
findstring str "\"I_like_3dsmax\""
Otherwise, for more advanced search/replace functionalities you would need to use RegEx.
Hi Jorge,you mean
findstring "I_like_3dsmax" "\"I_like_3dsmax\""
the result is undefined,am I wrong?
In the example you showed, you are using: line01=“I_like_3dsmax”
I assumed that it is the result of the returned line.
Or you just added the ‘line01=’ part to show us that it is the line 1 in your file?
Here is a function to replace all matching words in a stream:
fn ReplaceWords mStream mFromStr mToStr mIgnoreCase:false =
regex = dotnetclass "system.text.regularexpressions.regex"
pattern = "\b" + mFromStr + "\b"
if mIgnoreCase do pattern = "(?i)" + pattern
result = regex.replace mStream pattern mToStr
return (result as stringstream)
/* Test */
stream = stringstream ""
format "car card car cardboard car
" to:stream
format "carnival cardinals car
" to:stream
print stream
ReplaceWords stream "car" "BALL" mIgnoreCase:true