[Closed] Find a prime #?
So… i thought this would be relatively basic to do but turns out i’m a little incompetent.
This has no real practical purpose just for learning figured i should be doing something ot help expand my brain a bit.
But how would i write a script to find a prime # from 1 to whatever. I literally have nothing written i just can’t seem to grasp the concept of it. If someone could help point me in the right direction that would be great
You can maybe find inspiration on wikipedia, there are a lot of information on them there:
in particular this article about how to find prime number in a list:
The best (and possibly only) way to find primes is to run through the numbers and see if they divisable by anything other than 1 and themselves. A good function to help with this in max is Mod. Mod returns the remainder of 2 numbers when they are divided. If the remainder is 0 then the second number is a multiple of the first. Here is a sample script, hope this is clear.
primeAr = #() --empty array for storing primes
for x = 2 to 100 do --count of the numbers to be checked for primality
divisible = false --variable for storing whether or not a divisor is found
for y = 2 to (x-1) do --count of numbers to check against original number (1 and the number itself are not included)
if (mod x y) == 0 then divisible = true --checks remainder and determines if x can be divided by y
if divisible == false then append PrimeAr x --if x can not be divided by y then it is a prime number
Thanks Eric! That’s great haha, seems like a simple answer like i figured it would be.
I also found this page where someone talks about a python script to determine if a number is prime:
Cause it seems that trying to find if a number is prime is more useful than listing all the primes.
I also just found that if you want to print more than 20 elements of the array, you need to use this:
with printAllElements on primeAr as string
If you just write primeAr, you can only see the 20 first prime numbers.