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[Closed] Finally abandoned the maxScript editor

It took me from when script was first introduced to max till now to finally move to an external editor, I started using PsPad, I added syntax highlighting to it for maxScript and Mel, and I also added a live connection to maya and added the REZN8 com bridge to comunicate with max. It supports vbScript scripts and javaScript scripts to extend its functions. It also supports snippets, blocks of code that can be defined and then inserted on demand, could be as simple as a for loop or as complex as a setting up an initial UI. Best of all its free.

Just felt like sharing.

P.S. Lets not forget multiple undos

31 Replies

How have you set this up to work with maxscript? Is there a color coding setup to use with this?

Is there an easy way to quily test in max(Crtl-E in maxscript editor launches the script for example)…


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I created a syntax file for PSPad so it does display the color coding. And the way I have PSPad setup I use F9 to Evaluate a script or selection of code. But there is supposed to be a way to remap the keyboard shortcut commands.

I’m going in the opposite direction…I’ve begun using maxscript to replace text editors because I can leave the windows open while manipulating things in max without them being minimized!

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PSPad has a stay on top feature so it can exibit the same behavior. I use dual monitors so I have max open in one and PSPad open in the other.

Also forgot to say that actually uses the maxscript help when editing an ms or mcr file and searches for help on what is highlighted.

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That’s cool. How did you do that?

I’m thinking about using UltraEdit myself.
There are a few things I expect to miss when I go out of max though. I use the Visual Maxscript for adjusting icons alot for example. That should be a hassle to operate with an external editor


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Its not to bad, with my setup I can send my script to max, edit it and when I go back to PsPad it knows that there were changes made because the file has been saved. UE should have this same feature and prompt to reload a file that has been externally updated.

so you can use pspad to evaluate and run code in max?
how do i set this up?


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Yes I run and evaluate scripts from PSPad in max. I used the REZN8 com bridge. The files can be downloaded from here . Just adjust the reg file for max 8 and setup the PSPad commands to use its formating. If you have any issues getting this going I’ll post a screenshot of my settings.

Dear Blue:

I understand you were able to set up PSPad to communicate with Maya. I have tried this as well. I got as far as being able to communicate with Maya using Putty and the commandPort command. But I was not successful in sending commands from PSPad.

Could you please write a small tutorial on how you set up PSPad to talk to Maya? Thank you!

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I wrote a vb script to save the current file, then send a command (through a dll) to maya to source the file. The dll I used is now expired so I’m looking for a new one, or I’ll have to write one.

Note: I had to replace \ with / and chr(39) with chr(34) for maya to respect the incoming file path.

can i grab a screneshot of your psp pad setup I have no clue how to setup that part of the process…

im using the following…

“D:\Program Files\Autodesk\3dsMax8\Scripts\Startup\mxscom.exe” -f (%File%)

in pspad to execute the sctipt, but it doesnt work.

Im using max 8 btw(there is no max 8 .reg file so ive used the version 7)

Ok cool i got it working


I use: (mxscom.exe is in the root of PSPad)
%PSPath%\mxscom.exe -f %File%

Also needs to go into the max\scripts\startup folder. (it comes with mxscom.exe from rezn8)

-- registers running of files and executing script code to OLE.
 registerOLEInterface #( filein, execute, edit )

Lastly the registry files needs to be edited for max8, should be fairly straight forward

 ;  1. Change the path in the last line of this file to point at your
 ;	 current 3ds max executable directory, then
 ;  2. Double click this file in Windows Explorer
 ; registration info MAX.Application (defaults to MAX.Application.8)
 HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MAX.Application = OLE Automation MAX Application
 HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MAX.Application\Clsid = {7FA22CB1-D26F-11d0-B260-00A0240CEEA3}
 HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MAX.Application\CurVer = MAX.Application.8
 ;; registration info MAX 8.0
 ; (Application Object)
 HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MAX.Application.8 = OLE Automation MAX 8.0 Application
 HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MAX.Application.8\Clsid = {7FA22CB1-D26F-11d0-B260-00A0240CEEA3}
 HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{7FA22CB1-D26F-11d0-B260-00A0240CEEA3} = OLE Automation MAX 8.0 Application
 HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{7FA22CB1-D26F-11d0-B260-00A0240CEEA3}\ProgID = MAX.Application.8
 HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{7FA22CB1-D26F-11d0-B260-00A0240CEEA3}\VersionIndependentProgID = MAX.Application
 HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{7FA22CB1-D26F-11d0-B260-00A0240CEEA3}\LocalServer32 = C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3dsMax8\3dsmax.exe

Cool, guess I was posting as you got it working.

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