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[Closed] Fillet Edge Poly tool

Ok, I did a search for this, and I didn’t find anything… So I’m asking it here…

I’ve been searching for quite some time now a tool that would “fillet” the edge of a selected poly… Right now, I’m using 2 succesive chamfer, but the resulting form is not a “real” fillet, and the corners are awfull… I’ll post a picture, but anyone that has tried it know what I mean…

So I started working on a script to do it. My knowledge of scripting is really limited but I have the idea on how to do it… I have a few sketches and the math formulas to make it work (I hope ) If anybody here is interested in a challenge… I would gladly accept some form of help…

Anyway, I will post my progress here and try to keep you informed…


9 Replies

Not a lot of replies… Well, I just tought I would post a small update…

The script I have right now is able to correctly fillet one (and one only) edge… And its a “real” fillet, not 2 chamfer in succesion…

I’m starting to understand all the functions I need for the complete function.

Quick screen grab, hoping to grab a nice maxscripter… interested in helping a noob in maxscript… I spend so much time in the help, it’s not even funny !!

Very Cool!
Looking forward to using that puppy hehe.


2 Quick questions-

  1. Do you have control over the number of edges produced by the fillet?
  2. Where did you go to learn max scripting? Its something i’ve been wanting to get into.


Looks promising jul6…1. Can you post the code? That would make helping you alot easier

MRAY: I don’t know about jul, but I started learning maxscript a few weeks ago and was basically just looking alot in the helpfile and reading the links in the maxscript resource post here.

I can’t post the script now, but just to clarify… I’m not that new to maxscript (I did an exporter/importer for Catia V5 vrml files) but I’m pretty new to poly manipulation in script…
To learn Maxscript, well take your time, check out lots of example, and read the help… It also help a lot to already know some langauge of programmation… everything is pretty much the same in every language…

About the number of edges, right now its hardcoded at 3, mainly because the maths were simpler to implement, but it could be changed in the future… Right now I’m more trying to get something to work completetly and then I’ll add options.


Congratulations on your present level of success! When you’re ready to post some code, I’ll be happy to help out in any way that I can:thumbsup:


Sorry to get off topic here for a sec but LFshade could you please checkout this thread for a control edge script idea i had maybe you’d be interested in helping out –< wink,wink >– hehe

again sorry for jumpin off topic
-Mray- ?

and also

Just a quick update since I’m ready to post something

A quick warning… the script DOESN’T work right now… its mainly to show what I did already, and maybe to generate ideas as to how to do things differently…

The fact is, its horrible to work with all the topology needed to make those fillets work…I tried to keep a simple struct to keep all topology info, but it get messy really fast… There’s still a lot of stuff missing, and lots of stuff I have to figure out…

Anyway, if anybody want to have a look, here it is:

Fillet Edge Tool

I will post updates when things start to work as I want them to work


It certainly becomes a whole new story when you start dealing with geometry that is more complex than the box-like structure you currently seem to be basing things on! Take, for instance, the case where an edge to be filleted has more than one “side face” on each side. And then what about filleting a series of connected eges? Or the intersection of 3 or more filleted edges? This could prove to be a very expansive project:hmm: