[Closed] Filenamestring trouble
HI all,
im trying to script a automatic dropdownmenu that contains the scripts (or links to) all the scripts in a specified folder. This will make it alot easier for me to reuse my scripts – all i would have to do is copy the ms file into the folder and next time max is started its automatically in the dropdownmenu.
im using getFiles to build a array of all the ms files in the folder, but the filepaths in the resulting array are in the form dir\dir\dir\file i would like it to be dir\dir\dir\file.
one of my problems with the single backslash is this:
str = [\jf\D\maxscripts\SOCORun est\inventor2max_pipeline.ms](file://\jfDmaxscriptsSOCORuntestinventor2max_pipeline.ms)
would return:
“\jf\D\maxscripts\SOCORun est\inventor2max_pipeline.ms”
because the is recognized as a tabcode…
also openfile dosent get anywhere with the single backslashes…
[size=1]openfile (“\jf\D\maxscripts\SOCORun est\inventor2max_pipeline.ms”)
[size=1][size=2]would return[/size][/size]
[size=1][size=2]Any pointers in the right (or any) direction are greatly appreciated.[/size][/size]
I think you have to convert the returned string replacing the single backslash by two backslashs:
‘’ -> “\”
A MAXScript developer made a script that Searches MAXScripts through directories for editing : Supra (needs C4 function library).
Thanks guys…
zbuffer your function works perfectly…thanks
however i still have this problem:
str = [\jf\D\maxscripts\SOCORun est\inventor2max_pipeli ne.ms](file:///jfDmaxscriptsSOCORuntestinventor2max_pipeline.ms)
would return:
“\jf\D\maxscripts\SOCORun est\inventor2max_pipeline.ms”
because the[color=#fffffe] is recognized as a tabcode…
Does anyone have a workaround for this?..i know it just a matter of naming the folder to something else – but i would very much like to find a workaround, to avoid future problems with foldernaming (when this problem is long forgotten).
Hi guys,
well my createmenuscript is complete, if anybody else can use it please fell free to do so.
- just edit the vars:
[size=1][size=2]menuName [/size]
and place the script into your scripts/startup folder.
things to come:
i would like to imlement functionality that would make it recursive both the dirsearch and the menustructure.
Here it is:
BTW. the scripts makes small macroscripts for each scriptfile, this means the scripts in the folder that are searched should not be macroscripts.
fn createMScriptString mscriptname mscriptcat scripttorun=(
str = "macroscript "
str += mscriptname
str += " "
str += "category:"
str += "\"" + mscriptcat + "\""
str += " "
str += "buttontext:"
str += "\"" + mscriptname + "\""
str += " "
str += "tooltip:"
str += "\"" + mscriptname +"\""
str += " ("
str += scripttorun
str += ")"
fn fixPath txt =
local result=""
local tmp=filterstring txt "\\"
for i=1 to (tmp.count-1) do result+=(tmp[i]+"[\\\\]( http://forums.cgsociety.org/ )")
--handle UNCpaths
if substring txt 1 2 == "[\\\\]( http://forums.cgsociety.org/ )" do(
result = "[\\\\\\\\]( http://forums.cgsociety.org/ )" + result
pathToSearch = "[\\\\jf\\D\\maxscripts\\SOCORun\ est]( http://forums.cgsociety.org/ )"
files = getFiles (pathToSearch + "[\\*.ms](file:///*.ms)")
menuName = "SOCORun_X"
--Start regisrering the menus
oldSOCORunx = menuMan.findMenu menuName
if (oldSOCORunx != undefined)then(
menuMan.unRegisterMenu oldSOCORunx
-- register menu item
if (menuMan.findMenu menuName == undefined)then (
--backup the current mnu file
menuMan.saveMenuFile "pre_CreateMenus-stript_Backup.mnu"
-- Get the main menu bar
local mainMenuBar = menuMan.getMainMenuBar()
-- Create new menu s
local subMenu = menuMan.createMenu menuName
for f in files do(
f = fixpath f
print f
msname = getFilenameFile f
print msname
macrostring = createMScriptString msname menuName ("execute(openfile(\"" + f + "\"))")
execute macrostring
-- menuitem
local menuitem = menuMan.createActionItem msname "SOCORunx"
subMenu.addItem menuitem -1
-- Create a new menu item with the menu as it's sub-menu
local subMenuItem = menuMan.createSubMenuItem "SOCORunx" subMenu
-- compute the index of the next-to-last menu item in the main menu bar
local subMenuIndex = mainMenuBar.numItems() - 1
-- Add the sub-menu just at the second to last slot
mainMenuBar.addItem subMenuItem subMenuIndex
-- redraw the menu bar with the new item