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[Closed] FileTextureManager

Does anyone know of an existing script that can change textures en masse from *.PSD to *.JPG or something else?

I find that I need this quite a lot as I normally use the PSDs until I am happy with them then I need to go back in and replace them with flattened textures. Maya has FileTextureManager which does this but I can’t find anything for MAX.

P.S. Sorry for posting this in two places. Didn’t notice the scripting sub-forum.

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Joined: 11 months ago

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Well Max has the Photometric/bitmap editor but I don’t think it will alow you to point the maps to diferently named maps.

Here is a script that I wrote that allows you to search the scene for a given map name and replace it with any other map.

You should be able to strip out of that what you need.

Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

An age old script (written for Max 2!), but should work in any Max version.

“Lets you replace substrings or whole paths of Bitmaps.
Enter both Old and New string to replace only substring.
Enter only New string to replace the whole path with the new string.
Don’t enter anything to remove all paths from all bitmaps. MAX will look into its Map Paths and use the first copy of the file it encounters. If there is no file on the Map Paths, the Bitmap will be missing.”

So if you enter “.JPG” and “.PSD”, all JPEGs should be renamed, but the paths and base names will be preserved.
If you enter “foo” and “huh”, any substrings ANYHWERE in the file name and path will be replaced.
If you enter “c: emp\bobo” in New without entering Old string, all textures will be repointed to the new path.
If you don’t enter anything, all bitmaps will be “castrated” – the path portion will be removed and Max will look into its Map Paths for replacement. This way, you can retarget a complete scene to a new Textures folder – add the new path with the replacement bitmaps (same names, different location!) to the Map Paths list, then remove the absolute paths from all bitmaps using the script…

I’ve been using Blur’s ChangeBitmaps script for this, changing bitmap extensions, and it works great. But I’m in max 5.1 still, so I’m not sure if it works in 6/7.

Thanks a lot for these, I’ll check them all out.

One of the programmers at work rewrote the blur script to allow it to accept wildcard entries. It only seemed to do a replace on specific names before. DIdn’t really save much time with it.

The Blur script uses simpler replace than wildcard. For example, Find:PSD and Reaplce:JPG is all you need, similar to how Bobo’s script works.

One thing I like about the Blur tool is I can limit it to selected, active slot, etc.