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[Closed] FaceEngine / Automatically created Facial Bones

Dear 3ds max Users ;

We modified our FaceEngine plug-in for new automatically facial bones
You can watch this short process at :

After the vertex selections in 5-10 minutes by selection modul , the special
script is being created for your head mesh by the FaceEngine in a few seconds
as you will see in the video presentation ,

The first version of the motion capture modul in FaceEngine will work with
these new facial bones in a few days.

Thank you


3 Replies

woow this is really a cool script
when will you release it ?

This is really great and looks intelligent enough.

Dear Bkravi and artisanfx ;

Thank you very much for your considerations ,

We will release it in a few days and we will inform you about the date at

Thank you again ,