[Closed] Face from object array
I have a script that selects the top polygons for a few separate objects, and i want to put them all in one array/group (i don’t have a preferred choice)
After the selection happens I don’t know how to add them to a group/array (I have a for loop that goes through each object)
I can accsess the ‘selectedFaces’/polyop.getFaceSelection but i don’t know how to transfer the face to a working list
I would love some help on the topic
thanks very much
When I try and attach the face to a random editable poly it gives me this message:
– Error occurred in anonymous codeblock; filename: ; position: 36; line: 2
– Unable to convert: #faces( : $Box001) to type:
– MAXScript callstack:
– thread data: threadID:4444
– [stack level: 0]
– In top-level
polylist = polyop.getFaceSelection obj
polyOp.detachFaces obj polyList delete:true asNode:true
polyop.attach $box001 polylist