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[Closed] FFD – local to world space on rotated object
Oct 22, 2012 6:26 pm
The code below convert local to world space for FFD control points and works fine if the object is not rotated. But when the object with applyed FFD mod is rotated the function that converts local to world produces the strange results – see the attached image.
function LocalFFDToWorld curObj topMod pos =
objTM = curObj.objecttransform
modTM = (getModContextTM curObj topMod) * topMod.lattice_transform.value
modBBMin = getModContextBBoxMin curObj topMod
modBBMax = getModContextBBoxMax curObj topMod
size = modBBMax - modBBMin
thePoint = modBBMin * inverse topMod.lattice_transform.rotation + (pos * size) * (inverse modTM) * objTM
local topMod = modpanel.getCurrentObject()
local theMaster = topMod[#master]
local theCount = theMaster.numsubs
animateAll topMod
for i = 1 to theCount where theMaster[i].value != undefiend do
point pos:( LocalFFDToWorld selection[1] topMod theMaster[i].value)
2 Replies
Oct 22, 2012 6:26 pm
because your final expression is wrong. it has to be:
thePoint = (modBBMin + pos * size) * (inverse modTM) * objTM