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[Closed] FBX export settings


I tried a lot to write a exporter for the fxb that let me export split animations inside the fxb using this instruction.

FBXExporterSetParam “SplitAnimationIntoTakes” “IdleAnim” “frameStart” 1 “frameEnd” 10
get the info fromthis page

someone has use this?


1 Reply

FBX export options are a complete pain to use as the documentation is not even complete enough to be deemed terrible.

Most importantly, You will need to clear the split buffer (or accumulator as they call it) before you specify a set of ‘takes’. Otherwise, you’ll keep all the specified takes from that session in max.

-- to clear the accumulator 
FBXExporterSetParam "SplitAnimationIntoTakes" "-c"

Then, for each take you want to set, use the following:

FBXExporterSetParam "SplitAnimationIntoTakes" [TakeName] StartValue EndValue

Once done, you can use the normal route for export

exportFile [fileName] #noPrompt selectedOnly:[true] using:FBXEXP

I used this code recently to setup a series of FBX files ready for export to Unity. It would mean that the animation clips were already configured on import. Worked a treat.