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[Closed] Extreme slowdown while merging objects

Hi all…

I am facing this extreme slowdown while merging objects, and I cannot figure out whats going wrong.
Whenever I merge objects from a certain file, I see the following text continously being written onto the listener :

$EY_eyes_wide.baseObject.DirectX_Manager.Effect = 0

where EY_eyes_wide is the name of the object being merged.
This text is printed almost 1500 times, and I think thats why the merging process is so slow… though I have no clue what this line means and what should I do to prevent this line being printed/evaluated.

Anyone, any clue whats going wrong with my file?

Here’s a screenshot of the listener text:


3 Replies

this is a problem i’ve seen before

i “solved” it by turning off the macro recorder, it’ll be fast as normal

try turning off vertex channel display for all objects as well, it somehow get’s turned on by some skinning operations, making meshes appear all white… there’s some relation between all this i have yet to figure out :X

Thanks Aearon,

Shall give it a try …
I’ll let you know if it works for me


diabling off the macrorecorder definitely did help. The merging now happens without any delay.

I’d still like to understand the root cause of the problem. I played around a lot with maxscript reference, but couldn’t really figure out where and what went wrong.
Any suggestions from people who have gone through a similar situation welcome.
