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[Closed] Extending Edit Poly modifier not works as expected

The main code is from this thread: Extend Edit_Poly to have Select Face by Area

plugin modifier polySelByArea 
name:"Select By Area" 
classID:#(0x45b71d21, 0x637cf590)
extends:Edit_Poly replaceUI:false version:2
	fn mainCbFn ev nd =
		local ob = (GetAnimByHandle nd[1])
		if isValidNode ob do
			for m in ob.modifiers where
			classOf m == polySelByArea and m.setUpdate do m.minArea
	fn setFaceSelByArea obj len =
		-- not works. no edges are selected
		local edgeListBA = #{}
		local numEdge = obj.getNumEdges()
		for i = 1 to numEdge do
			local vertPair = #()
			vertPair.count = 2
			vertPair[1] = obj.GetEdgeVertex i 1
			vertPair[2] = obj.GetEdgeVertex i 2
			local dist = distance (obj.getVertex vertPair[1]) (obj.getVertex vertPair[2])
			if dist < len do
				append edgeListBA i
		format ": % \n" edgeListBA.numberSet 
		obj.SetEPolySelLevel #Edge
		obj.SetSelection #Edge #{}
		obj.SetSelection #Edge edgeListBA

		-- this works and the faces are selected
-- 		local theSelection = #{}
-- 		local numFaces = obj.getNumFaces()
-- 		for f = 1 to numFaces do
-- 		(
-- 			local face_Area = obj.GetFaceArea f
-- 			if face_Area <= len do append theSelection f 
-- 		)
-- 		obj.SetSelection #Face theSelection
-- 		obj.SetEPolySelLevel #Face
	 parameters params_Area rollout:rol_SelByArea
		 minArea type:#float animateable:true ui:spn_MinArea default:5
		 setUpdate type:#boolean ui:chb_SetUpdate default:false
		on minArea set val do
			setFaceSelByArea delegate val
		on minArea get val do
			setFaceSelByArea delegate val ; val
	 rollout rol_SelByArea "Select By Area"
		 spinner spn_MinArea "Min Area: " range:[0.01,1e9,5]
		 checkbox chb_SetUpdate "Auto Update"
		 button ObjectSelectButton "Select by Area"
	on create do
		if ::cbUpdateModSelByArea == undefined do
			cbUpdateModSelByArea = NodeEventCallback geometryChanged:mainCbFn topologyChanged:mainCbFn
	on postLoad do
		NodeEventCallback geometryChanged:mainCbFn topologyChanged:mainCbFn

The code works OK when it has to select faces. When edges has to be seleced – nothing is selected.