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[Closed] Extend text object

Hi All,

I want to extend the text object using a scripted shape plugin, however I’m not sure if I what i want to do can be done.

Basically I want to swap out the existing curves for a rectangular spline that bounds the object, so I can flip from “high-res” to “low-res”. At the moment I’m using a setup script with CAs and grouping to acheive the same thing, but it’s somewhat complex for the purpose.

As it’s a apline, I can’t access trimesh data. Is there an equivilent? Not that I can see so far.

And before someone says “what about box mode” … I’m swapping the text object for a bitmap of itself which is lightening quick in the viewports


2 Replies

I want to swap out the existing curves for a rectangular spline

I’m swapping the text object for a bitmap of itself

hmm, not sure what you want, but how about an ‘update’ button to render the text to a temporary bitmap and assign it to a plane whose size and position is coincident with the actual text, then have a toggle button to hide the real text and show the bitmap and vice versa?


Why use the trimesh data ?

You could use the Bounding Box properties of the text:

MyText=text text:“Some Text” size:50
centerpivot MyText – because pivot of text is at bottom
MyBB=Rectangle length:size.y width:size.x transform:MyText.transform

and then show/hide the text/rectangle