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[Closed] Expression to tie object to current camera?

I want a certain object (that is then used in a vol. select) to always be positioned/rotated at the currently selected camera or current render camera. Does anyone know how to do this?

3 Replies

Can’t you just link it?

No because the current camera changes!

so re-link it?

basically I’d go with a script controller, that would certainly let you use the currently selected camera.

In a network render, there’s no such thing as the ‘selected’ camera and unfortunately there’s no way to get the camera that’ll be used in a render, afaik, but you can use a #preRenderFrame callback and get its notifications; there’s a transform in there that will have the same position and such as the view being rendered.

A variable that holds the camera of interest would still be better, though – which means having to change that variable… which means you almost might as well re-align and re-link.

What is it you’re trying to do, exactly?