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[Closed] Exporting vertex data to a file

Hi there,

I’m currently working on an experimental 3D Engine in Java, which reads the contents
of a 3D Website through a custom XML format.

In order to test and debug functions i would like to import some basic meshes of myself,
now here’s the problem: i need to write a script that just exports XYZ of every Vertex of every Polygon in a selected Mesh.

I’ve looked into the MaxScript Reference but have a hard time figuring out what functions to use for doing this, there’s just too much to choose from. 🙁

So if anyone can point me in the right direction how i can:
-Access the selected EditablePoly Object
-Process every Polygon of the Object in a loop
-Get the XYZ Coordinates of every Vertex in the currently processed Poly
-Write out the Coordinates to a file
( And how to do some basic formatting to the file – i need to import it later after all )

Function-Names, Code-Snippets, Tutorial-Links (on the specific matter!), i would be happy just about anything
that would help me to start off somewhere

4 Replies

Go to script and look for like scripts. One that come to mind is from the master him self, Bobo, called BFF or Bobo’s File Format.

Might be worth looking under file/export, as max can already export .ase and .asci formats, which sound like what you’re after.

yeah that .ase format looks good – just got to delete some stuff

thanks a lot

ok just wanted to say that it works, i spent a few hours too much on writing the importer
because i started debugging after i wrote the whole importer, and finding bugs was …
well let’s forget about it, it works, i’m happy, thanks again Matt