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[Closed] Explode Script?

I’m looking for a script that would take a piece of geometry and detach every face into seperate objects.

Does anybody know if one exsists?


4 Replies

Hi Maven,

This is easy with a script, but you don’t need one.

From the modify panel, go to the face SO level, select all of the faces and then explode them to objects with a face tolerence value of 0.
This will detach every face to a seperate object.

If you did want to do it with a script it would loko a little something like this.

-- []( 
while obj.faces.count>0 do
newmesh=editable_mesh()		 -- create an empty mesh object
newmesh.pos=obj.pos		 -- position the new mesh"_"+(i as String))	 -- name the new mesh
newmesh.mesh=meshop.detachFaces obj #(1) delete:true asmesh:true
update newmesh		 -- update the new mesh
update obj			-- update the old mesh

If you want this to be a function you would structure it differently.

Thanks alot Jman!

But I meant to say polygons not faces. Is it the same?

ah-ha! I guess you can see it isn’ the same!

-- []( 
while obj.faces.count>0 do
newmesh=editable_mesh() -- create an empty mesh object
newmesh.pos=obj.pos -- position the new mesh"_"+(i as String)) -- name the new mesh
fce=(meshop.getpolysusingface obj #(1) threshold:100) as array
newmesh.mesh=meshop.detachFaces obj fce delete:true asmesh:true
update newmesh -- update the new mesh
update obj -- update the old mesh


thanks again.