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[Closed] Expand selection in unwrap from edit mesh

Hi, i recently made my own UV Tweak (pretty mutch the same technique as polyboost)
but im trying to add some more features to it.

I am using the Mousetrack function to be able to detect what vertex / face my mouse is hovering. To do that i need to be in edit mesh , because mousetrack works only on edit mesh.

I am trying to add a feature that allows you to expand your selection for uv tweaking , but
when you expand your selection from a edit mesh in the unwrap , it is not expanding the same as an edit poly object.

The edit poly objects (in unwrap) expands from the visible edges only in vertex mode. While the edit mesh objects expands from visible and invisible edges.

I am trying to find a way to make it expand like edit poly. But can’t find any function that talks about invisible edges in unwrap.

The only thing i found was the GetArea function but im not quite sure of what it does and can’t get it to work…

[left]<void>getArea <bitArray>faceSelection <&float>x <&float>y <&float>width <&float>height <&float>areaUVW <&float>areaGeom[/left]

i tryed to make a sphere and apply that function :

toto = 50

$.unwrap_uvw.unwrap4.getArea #{1…3} &toto &toto &toto &toto &toto &toto

but this is doing nothing more than printing an “OK” in the listener heh…

Thanks for helping!