[Closed] Enable proxies for all xref objects
i wrote this script to toggle the display of xref proxies for all objects in the scene. But it’s incredible slow with many XRefs in the scene. Max seems to reload all xrefs from the HD. Is there a way to make it faster?
Macroscript ToggleXRefProxies
ButtonText:“XRef Proxies”
Tooltip:“XRef Proxies”
global XRefProxiesEnabled;
if XrefProxiesEnabled == undefined then XRefProxiesEnabled = false;
on isChecked do return XRefProxiesEnabled;
on execute do
With Redraw off
XRefProxiesEnabled = not XRefProxiesEnabled;
local xrefObjects = for n in objects where classof n == Xrefobject collect n;
for n in xrefObjects do
if n.useproxy != XRefProxiesEnabled then
n.useproxy = XRefProxiesEnabled;
This will use the proxy for rendering, but I need to display the proxies in the viewport…