[Closed] Enable Standard Material in Viewport
Does anyone know how to (Through maxscript) enable “Show standard map in viewport” button?
From “Show Map In Viewports Functions” in the Maxscript Help:
showTextureMap <material> [<texmap>|<material>] <boolean>
If the optional <texmap> or <material> is not specified, Show Map in Viewports is set for the argument 1 material to the <boolean> argument.
If the optional <texmap> is specified, it will be searched for in the argument 1 material. It must be a direct subtexture of the supplied argument 1 material. Its show-in-viewport state will be set on or off according to the <boolean> argument.
If the optional material is specified, it will be searched for in the argument 1 material. Its show-in-viewport state will be set on or off according to the <boolean> argument.