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[Closed] Edit Scripted Custom Attributes
Aug 29, 2014 11:05 am
Is there any way to edit or open a scripted custom Attributes creating by Maxscript.
when you add some slider spiner etc or Ui by max [Parameter Editor] it is editable in [Parameter Editor], but when you add scripted custom Attributes it is not editable in [Parameter Editor].
2 Replies
Aug 29, 2014 11:05 am
You can extract the attributes using functions like the ones below.
This will get the attribute defs from the current stack item
fn getCurrentObjectDefs =
atts = (modPanel.getCurrentObject()).custattributes
attContArray = #()
if atts.count > 0 then
attContArray = for att in atts collect att
And this will extract the source code of the def to the clipboard, where you can edit it in the maxscript editor.
fn getdefSourceToClipboard def =
ss = stringstream ""
format (custattributes.getdef def).source to:ss
setclipboardtext (ss as string)
Once you have the new or edited def as a string, you can use the redefine method
custattributes.redefine (custattributes.getDef currentDef) <newDef>