[Closed] Edit Poly modifier – insert vertex?
Hello, it seems there is no support for adding vertices to edges through maxscript for the Edit Poly modifier unless I have missed something. Does anybody know of a way?
When you do it manually the macro recorder returns this:
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].SetOperation #InsertVertexInEdge
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].DivideEdge 413 0.519809 node:$
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].Commit ()
…but when I try to do it in code it says unknown property DivideEdge in Edit_Poly. It’s too bad if there is not support for such a basic thing as this.
as far as i know edit_poly modifier has very few features implemented in maxscript.
im not sure if this would help, coz im only using max6 (edit_poly-less version:))
num = 106
sel = $.EditablePoly.SetSelection #Edge #{num}
$.EditablePoly.divideEdge num 0.5 select:on
you indicated this script above:
$.modifiers[#Edit_Poly].DivideEdge 413 0.519809 node:$
it probably needs a selection or something, im not sure what the node:$ does though…
hope this helps
by the way, i just visited your site, i was hoping to find some of your scripts there, but it seems that you didnt include it… cool site by the way, are those all max?
111 – it seems so, seems unfinished to me
galagast – Thanks, yeah I need to set up some site where I can share the scripts I’ve done. All images in my portfolio are made with 3ds max and Zbrush. That site hasn’t been updated for a long time though.