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[Closed] Edge Spin


Please… which is the best way move p1 and p2 around axis z folowing mouse pos in screen?

I’m used a tool to do it, but can’t finish it…
for test select edit poly sphere and start tool
when two points has been created on surface then a middle point (helper) will shown up
third click should spin edge like in picture…

	local drawing_points = false, poly_obj
	local irs = #(), markers = #(), mid_pos, mid_vect, hit1_dist 
	fn getScreenRayAtNode obj =
        screenRay = mapScreenToWorldRay mouse.pos
        finalRay = intersectRay obj screenRay
	fn isEditPoly obj = (classOf obj == editable_poly)
	fn spinLine vp irs =
		local mouse_pos = vp.pos
		local mouse_vect = normalize (mouse_pos - mid_pos)
		local new_vect = normalize (cross mid_vect mouse_vect)
		local new_p1 = (mid_pos + new_vect * hit1_dist)
		markers[1].pos= new_p1
	tool pickPoints
		on start do 
			poly_obj = selection[1]
			if not isEditPoly poly_obj do #stop
 			poly_obj.xray = true
		on mousePoint click do
			local ir = getScreenRayAtNode poly_obj
			if click > 1 do
				if mid_pos != undefined  then
					local vp = (mapScreentoWorldRay ViewPoint)
					point pos:vp.pos dir:vp.dir
					spinLine vp irs
					irs = #()
					mid_pos = undefined
					if ir != undefined and irs.count < 2 do 
						irs += #(ir)
						markers += #(point pos:ir.pos dir:ir.dir)
					--create two points and middle point
					if irs.count == 2 and mid_pos == undefined do 
						mid_pos   = (irs[1].pos + irs[2].pos)/2
						mid_vect  = normalize (irs[1].dir + irs[2].dir)/2
						hit1_dist = distance irs[1].pos  mid_pos
						point pos:mid_pos dir:mid_vect
		on mouseMove click do ()
	startTool pickPoints

I hope is clear…so… I will be glad for any help