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[Closed] Dynamic listbox

Hi All,

I’m working on this script to update morphs in our pipeline. What i need to do is select a max file and list the objects in the max file onto a listbox, or anything of that sort. Then I will merge the morph and replace the existing one by comparing the name string.

My problem is I do not know how to list objects from a max file in a new box/ window and let a user select it. I have figured out the rest.

My code is as follows : (this will give you an idea of what I need)

global flname = ""
global obj_names = #()

rollout updateMorph "Update Morpher" 
 button btn1 "Select Max file with correct morph(s)"
 on btn1 pressed do
  flname = getopenFileName caption:"morphs"
  messagebox (flname as string)
  obj_names = getmaxfileobjectnames flname 
 listbox Objects "Objects:" items:(obj_names)
 button btn2 "Merge Selected nodes and update"
createDialog updateMorph width:200

Thanks ,


2 Replies

If you pick a file once and open the dialog again, it should still contain

 	global obj_names --declare the variable first
 	if obj_names == undefined do obj_names = #() --if nothing assigned yet, initialize it
	global flname 
	rollout updateMorph "Update Morpher" 
 		button btn1 "Select Max file with correct morph(s)"
 		listbox lbx_objects "Objects:" items:obj_names --"objects" is a reseved name!
 		button btn2 "Merge Selected nodes and update"
 		on btn1 pressed do
 			flname = getopenFileName caption:"morphs"
 			if flname != undefined do --if the user did not cancel out...
 				obj_names = getmaxfileobjectnames flname 
 				lbx_objects.items = obj_names  --assign the names to the listbox
 	createDialog updateMorph width:200

Thanks for the prompt reply Bobo,

I shall try this as soon as possible,

Thanks Again,